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The smaller Enlisted button is 156 S. It is 9/16″in size and has a regular shank. the 47 is in the Center of the button with a decorative edge. Matching button is 154 L and long shank 156 L Long.
Awesome metal shark tooth on a black cord necklace. hand made in the USA.
102 S is the style number of the button, the S (small) is for the price group. This is a small 9/16″ button identical to the 101-L. It will go for cuffs, waistcoat buttons and such. This antique button has a winged phoenix with a wreath around the edge.
Vent pick made from a Tulip shell we found on the beach near us.
USA made Amethyst and Pewter earring and pendant set.
Made from grade AAA grade five millimeter Amethyst facing out of each drop.
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. This is the largest in this series at 1 1/8″ # 166. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving.
The Crown’s 47th button Enlisted’s long shank button has a long shank so that the button will be able to go through many layers of wool. All else is the same as the regular #154. The size is 7/8″.
Matching button is 156 S.
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