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Queen’s loyal Rangers 7/8ths button Enlisted Button Matching small button 220
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The next up is 11/16″ # 164. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving. Matching 163,165, and 166.
Robert Rogers 144 is the middle size in this series of three RR buttons. No original buttons have been found and this was done for a unit of re-enactors. The sizes is 3/4″; matching styles 137 and 142.
“Rogers’ Standing Orders” are still quoted on the first page of the U.S. Army’s Ranger handbook.
175 L is a higher dome than most our buttons. It has been Hand Hammered, each stroke is visible.
Vent pick made from a Tulip shell we found on the beach near us.
Cooking, we all have need of it “some may do it, some don’t and some it’s just as well”. If it’s a congratulation on a key chain, a winning toss of a pan, or a memento of a meal good … Read More
Pewter key chain of one of the world’s great bands.
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