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Colonial White Bronze Buckle, Military #1


Military #1, White Bronze, has a small face to the buckle that would be correct for the early part of the 18th Century.  A small plain brass buckle that will still fit a 1¼” latchet.  Nice for the soldier or townsman.  The price is $35.20 per pairs.

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Military #1 White Bronze, has a small face to the buckle that would be correct for the early part of the 18th Century.  A small plain brass buckle that will still fit a 1¼” latchet.  Nice for the soldier or townsman.  The price is $35.20 per pairs.

What buckles should use? Since we carry so many styles it does get confusing. This is still a matter of personal choice as the design of which style reflects not only the persona that you are portraying but you own style too.
To help we will to break them down into general groups.


The Military would tend to wear a plain-faced buckle. The earlier the smaller the buckle would be, as  the Military #1: brass was common but there were silver-colored metals used as well. Pewter, Pinchpenny, Nickel (white bronze) and Sliver. Then toward the mid-century, the large and wider faces would be in favor. Military # 3, Brass and Iron Oval and The Pewter Midshipmen would also be a choice here for the brass color or silver color buckles.



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