Needing income to keep Fugawee alive, we started selling on ETSY. We opened a modern pewter site Here we can show pewter pieces that use different modern techniques and mix them with the old ways and create awards, jewelry, picture frames, anything we could think of that we could make and sell. We do contemporary and historical and a few in the middle. We even had some help from Santa Claus. We are now making custom Santa buttons for the jolly old guy and his helpers.
The COVID #@$#!! The whole virus thing has been hard on my mother and our business, Nancy She is the founder of Fugawee. Age ninety, and she is doing great. She is still independent and lives on her own. Nancy’s latest project that she is finishing up is a book on our family and the letters back and forth from a family home in Florida and my father. He was a Merchant sailor and was away a lot, up to eleven months at a time. He could be ANYWHERE in the world! I remember watching TV about 1968-69, and they were showing how the Vet Cong were setting up IED’s for ships using anti-aircraft missiles along these long rivers the vessel had to go up to unload. Munition ships like my dad was sailing carried 500,000 tons (one billion pounds) of hi explosives, bombs, bullets, artillery rounds, all the stuff that went boom. He would be in faraway places. They would be written on onion skinned paper to save weight. The letters had cool stamps and marked “US Air Mail” on them from coming from Far away places like Cat Lai bay, Saigon, Da nang. They didn’t sound safe, according to Walter Cronkite was saying. I was eight years old. I’m sure I will be quite embarrassed by some of the passages that come out in the new book. But we will talk about her new book another time.