Rose, Civil War ankle boot


The Rose is a black smooth leather shoe with plain toe, 1/4″ leather heel, 2 elastic gussets and a tab on the back. Leather heel and sole.

You can wear this with your modern clothes and it fits perfectly when you dressed out in Civil War day dress.

full and half sizes 6- 11, widths medium M and wide W.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.



Named for the famous Confederate spy and patriot, Rose Greenhow,  this is another elastic-sided shoe.  It has a plain, tapered squarish toe and a vamp much like a fine English riding boot or jodhpur. Leather heel and sole.
Designed to be comfortable for outdoor wear, it is a fine shoe for the active lady, whether period-correct event watcher, nurse or sweetheart. We called this model Rose with a vision of a dedicated lady making her way over the uncertain ground between Federal and Confederate lines.  Rose is leather lined and very well constructed. Rose looks good with today’s slacks, too.  Sizes 6M-11W full & half sizes. 


Rose Greenhow is credited with furnishing the information that won the Battle of First Manassas. Captured and imprisoned, she somehow obtained her freedom and fled to Europe where she became a great social success, presented in several royal courts and raising funds for the Cause.  She wrote a book about the War and raised support, money and sympathy for the Confederacy.  
When the Blockade Runner which was returning her to the Confederacy was driven against the North Carolina shore by Federal blockaders, Rose attempted to reach land at Cape Fear in a small boat. The boat overturned and Rose Greenhow was pulled down to her death by the weight of the gold she was carrying. 


Additional information

Womans MW&EW

10.5M, 10.5W, 10EW, 10M, 10W, 11.5M, 11EW, 11M, 11W, 12EW, 12M, 12W, 5.5M, 5.5W, 5M, 5W, 6.5M, 6.5W, 6EW, 6M, 6W, 7.5M, 7.5W, 7EW, 7M, 7W, 8.5M, 8.5W, 8EW, 8M, 8W, 9.5M, 9.5W, 9EW, 9M, 9W


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