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Personalized Pewter Business card that people will never throw away. Hand made in the USA

Hand out one of Fugawees custom Cast pewter Business cards and it will be lost not thrown away.

SKU: MI: business card Categories: , , ,


First impressions matter, and the first impression you make with one of these never goes away.

General Grant's business card by Fugawee

General Grant’s business card by Fugawee
The first one of these pewter business cards I made was for a hi-end salesman back in the 1990’s, he called on Bloomingdales, JC pennies, K Mart, etc. he played in the big leagues. The pewter shop I was working at made these advertising pieces for him. He wanted to give people something that they remember and want to keep around. He said “everyone has pens and coffee cups with their name on it but nothing like these pewter business cards.” He did drive the nicest Mercedes I have ever seen.


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