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Lace Oval Tension shoe buckle, White Bronze


Lace Oval, tension buckle in white bronze.  This has a floral line design, and requires no holes to be punched into the leather latchets.  It can be put on and tighten easily. The size is 1 1/8 x 1 1/4″ and will fit on the 1 /14″ latchets. If you purchase with a pair of shoes there is no extra shipping cost.  Price per pair $20.90

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Lace Oval buckle

The Middle class and Tradesmen might go for more design for their shoes. After all, they got passed the large silk bow for their shoes several decades earlier. For the conservative man might choice the Basketweave, Swill or Rope style in either Brass or white metal.
The Upper class might show off more elaborate buckles such as the Tudor, Swirl, Pierced, Great Thistle as they were or for the final show of financial accomplishment, have them studded with gemstones. In our case, we use crystal in gem colors. Brass or Silver metal is still, what goes with what you have to wear.

Lace Oval, tension buckle in white bronze.  This has a floral line design and requires no holes to be punched into the leather latchets.  It can be put on and tighten easily. The size is 1 1/8 x 1 1/4″ and will fit on the 1 /14″ latchets. If you purchase a pair of shoes there is no extra shipping cost.  Price per pair $20.90


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