Home » BUTTONS » Different Sizes Matching Design » USA Pewter Button, 5/8″, 179. Hand made in the USA

USA Pewter Button, 5/8″, 179. Hand made in the USA


A very important Military button. The USA stands for our beginning. #179 is the small companion to #167. The smaller version is 5/8″. It has a dotted edge so it stands out. The letters are intertwined in classic look.  The Matching design is #167.

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A very important Military button. The USA stands for our beginning. #179 is the small companion to #167. The smaller version is 5/8″. It has a dotted edge so it stands out. The letters are intertwined in classic look. The Matching design is #167.

#179 – USA pewter button 5/8″.

“The “USA” Pattern button.  Adopted in early 1777, this button was widely used in in all theaters of-of the war and many Continental units. There are many variations to this design.”

P59 the Revolution by Don Troiani


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