Bottle Opener finding. Hand made in the USA
Nickle plated Bottle opener with a split steel ring for keys etc.. we can attache your custom message to it and it being a useful and well-made item it will keep giving your message for years.

Swirled Pewter Buttons 7/8in, 165. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The next to the largest in this series at 13/16″ # 165.

166 L Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1 1/8in. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. This is the largest in this series at 1 1/8″ # 166. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving.

Swirls Pewter Button 11/16 inch, 164. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The next up is 11/16″ # 164. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving. Matching 163,165, and 166.

Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1/2in, 163. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The smallest is 1/2″ # 163. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving. Matching buttons are 164 165 and 166.

Dirks shield, Pewter Button, 7/8″, 122. Hand made in the USA
In this series of three graduated button, 122 L is the largest size at 7/8″. It is flat with a raised design and works for Frock Coats. The matching buttons in this design are 120 S & 121 F/m.

Dirk, Pewter Button, 3/4″, 121. Hand made in the USA
In this series of three graduated button, #121 M is the next size at 3/4″. It is flat with a raised design and works for neck closures, cuffs and waistcoats. The matching buttons in this design are 120 S & 122 L.

star-swirl, center star Pewter Button, 5/16″, 117. Hand made in the USA
This decorative button has a swirl around the edge and a star in the center. 117 M (medium) is 5/8″,
Small enough for cuffs or waistcoats. Matching larger size is 118 L.

Swirl, center star Pewter Button, 11/16″, 118. Hand made in the USA
118 L, sized 11/16″ a decorative Swirl around the edge and a Star at the center. The size is fine for a Frock coat with the waistcoat that has matching decorative buttons 117 S.

Conical Pewter Button 5/8″, 112. Hand made in the USA
112 S, is the smaller of the two Peaked buttons. Good for Military or Civilian use. Matching button #113.

flat with a rim Pewter Button, 111. Hand made in the USA
This medium sized button, 111 M has so many uses. It is good for breeches, cuffs, waistcoat, and all kinds of parcels that need a button. Size is 3/4″

domed with rim, pewter button 5/8″, 108. Hand made in the USA
108 M is in a series of 3 buttons that are domed with a rim. The rim increases with the size. The first is the smallest 108 S, it is 5.8″ and a favorite with seamstresses for this period.
Matching buttons are 109 F and 110 L.

Domed Pewter Button 3/4″, 106. Hand made in the USA
106 S is the next size in the series of domed buttons. Size is 3/4″. Made in Britannia pewter which is lead-free, the same as all our pewter products.
Matching domed buttons are 173 and 107. Good for Military and Civilian use.

flat with a rim Pewter Button, 147. Hand made in the USA
147 is tiny button, and they are small 5/16″. Some folks use them for doll’s clothing. Yet they are still good for a high collar and shirt collar buttons. The Britannia pewter will stand the time.

plain flat Pewter Button, 1/2″, 126. Hand made in the USA
S is for small, 126 is the button number. The front is a flat circle, with a loop on the back, The material is Britannia pewter. This button is 1/2″. There are 5 buttons like this in different sizes, also a tiny button for shirt collars. Can be engraved with your monogram.

plain flat Pewter Button, 5/8″, 127. Hand made in the USA
S is for small, 127 is the number of the button. This button is 5/8″ and is good for vests, light jackets and sleeve buttons.
The material is Britannia pewter. This button is 5/8″ . There are 5 buttons like this in different sizes, also a tiny button for shirt collars.