Decorative Pewter buttons

Colonial Sheild Button 18th century reproduction. 7/8th or 21MM
Back of Fugawee button 216
Colonial Sheild Button 18th century reproduction. 7/8th or 21MM

Size: 21mm (7/8th inch)

This medium-weight, American Colonial-style button was excavated in Charleston, South Carolina. With its modest and timeless design, it offers a unique glimpse into the past. Ideal for collectors of historical artifacts or those restoring period-specific attire, this button is a standout example of Colonial craftsmanship.

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Hammered Domed Pewter Button, 175. Hand made in the USA
Hammered Domed Pewter Button, 175. Hand made in the USA
Hammered Domed Pewter Button, 175. Hand made in the USA

175 L is a higher dome than most our buttons. It has been Hand Hammered, each stroke is visible.

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Swirled Pewter Buttons 7/8in, 165. Hand made in the USA
Swirled Pewter Buttons 7/8in, 165. Hand made in the USA
Swirled Pewter Buttons 7/8in, 165. Hand made in the USA

This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The next to the largest in this series at 13/16″ # 165.

not rated $1.20 Add to cart
166 L Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1 1/8in. Hand made in the USA
166 L Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1 1/8in. Hand made in the USA
166 L Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1 1/8in. Hand made in the USA

This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. This is the largest in this series at 1 1/8″ # 166. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving.

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Swirls Pewter Button 11/16 inch, 164. Hand made in the USA
Swirls Pewter Button 11/16 inch, 164. Hand made in the USA
Swirls Pewter Button 11/16 inch, 164. Hand made in the USA

This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The next up is 11/16″ # 164. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving. Matching 163,165, and 166.

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Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1/2in, 163. Hand made in the USA
Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1/2in, 163. Hand made in the USA
Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1/2in, 163. Hand made in the USA

This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The smallest is 1/2″ # 163. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving. Matching buttons are 164 165 and 166.

not rated $0.85 Add to cart
Rampant Lion Pewter Button, 169. Hand made in the USA
Rampant Lion Pewter Button, 169. Hand made in the USA
Rampant Lion Pewter Button, 169. Hand made in the USA

The Rampant Lion is dancing across the button front. It is grand, 169 is round and just 9/16″ in size.

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Pierced flower, #158, fancy, forget me not, Pewter Button. Hand made in the USA
Pierced flower, #158, fancy, forget me not, Pewter Button. Hand made in the USA
Pierced flower, #158, fancy, forget me not, Pewter Button. Hand made in the USA

Two sizes for this pretty button. The floral pattern has openings so that whatever color you are wearing it will show through. 157 is the smaller of the two at only 5/8″. Some have earring made from these.
Matching larger button is 158 L.

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Laurel Wreath, Pewter Button, 5/8″, 174. Hand made in the USA
Laurel Wreath, Pewter Button, 5/8″, 174. Hand made in the USA
Laurel Wreath, Pewter Button, 5/8″, 174. Hand made in the USA

174 is only 5/8″ in size, flat back with Laurel wreath. It was made for a member of the S.C.A. It would fit in anywhere. On a cuff, shirt button up front, waistcoat, for even breeches fly.

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Rose design, old rose, Pewter Button 5/8, 135. Hand made in the USA
Rose design, old rose, Pewter Button 5/8, 135. Hand made in the USA
Rose design, old rose, Pewter Button 5/8, 135. Hand made in the USA

135 is a sweet Victoria Rose button.  It would fit right at home in 1860’s. It is only 5/8″ and can be repeated for effect.

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Daisy, tiny Pewter Button, 3/8″, 145. Hand made in the USA
Daisy, tiny Pewter Button, 3/8″, 145. Hand made in the USA

145 pewter button, is a Daisy design. This tiny button can be used on collar closings and dolls clothing.

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Thistle, Large Pewter Button, 1-1/8″, 182. Hand made in the USA
Thistle, Large Pewter Button, 1-1/8″, 182. Hand made in the USA
Thistle, Large Pewter Button, 1-1/8″, 182. Hand made in the USA

The Thistle is a favorite for everyone. We have three sizes. 182 is the largest, useful for most any task. It is 1-1/8″ and fits Cloaks, great coats straps for bags.

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Mom and Dad.
Thistle, Small Pewter Button, 5/8″, 176. Hand made in the USA
Thistle, Small Pewter Button, 5/8″, 176. Hand made in the USA

The Thistle is a favorite for everyone. We have three sizes. 176 F/m is the smallest, useful for most any task. It is 5/8″ and fits cuffs.Matching buttons are 182 L and 123 F/m.

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