Colonial pewter button

221 Queens loyal Rangers Large Enlisted Button. Hand made in the USA
Queen’s loyal Rangers 7/8ths button Enlisted Button Matching small button 220

Queens loyal Rangers Small enlisted button, 220. Hand made in the USA
5/8″. 1 to 12 @ .55 each, 13 to 144 @.48 each and over a gross .45 each.

Dirks shield, Pewter Button, 7/8″, 122. Hand made in the USA
In this series of three graduated button, 122 L is the largest size at 7/8″. It is flat with a raised design and works for Frock Coats. The matching buttons in this design are 120 S & 121 F/m.

Dirk, Pewter Button, 3/4″, 121. Hand made in the USA
In this series of three graduated button, #121 M is the next size at 3/4″. It is flat with a raised design and works for neck closures, cuffs and waistcoats. The matching buttons in this design are 120 S & 122 L.

domed with rim, pewter button, 110. Hand made in the USA
This series of 3 buttons are domed with rim. The rim increases with the size. The largest size is 100 L, it is 7/8″and a favorite with seamstresses for this period.
Matching buttons are 108 S F and 109 F/m. This is also good for possible bags and shoulder straps.

Domed with rim, pewter button 11/16″, 109. Hand made in the USA
109 M is in a series of 3 buttons are domed with a rim. The rim increases with the size. 109 M (medium), it is 11/16″ and a favorite with seamstresses for this period.
Matching buttons are 108 S F and 110 L.

Forget me not Colonial pewter button 3/4 inch
Reproduction colonial pewter Forget me not a button. it is 3/4 inch in a bright finish.