Buttons made our of Britannia pewter, lead-free pewter.

Colonial Sheild Button 18th century reproduction. 7/8th or 21MM
Size: 21mm (7/8th inch)
This medium-weight, American Colonial-style button was excavated in Charleston, South Carolina. With its modest and timeless design, it offers a unique glimpse into the past. Ideal for collectors of historical artifacts or those restoring period-specific attire, this button is a standout example of Colonial craftsmanship.

Spanish dot and circle Pewter Button, 1/2″. Hand made in the USA
Dots and Circle is Very tiny and very lightweight button It’s. Size is 1/2″ which is fine for collars and very delicate things. Number BU-252. this button lends itself to painting. we have

Anchor Pewter Button, 168. Hand made in the USA
The Anchor with entwined rope is a classic design. Size is 7/8″ that would do well on a coat.

Chrysanthemum, tiny mum Pewter Button, 1/2″, 143. Hand made in the USA
This resembles Japanese Chrysanthemum design. Very tiny and very pretty. Size is 1/2″ which is fine for collars and very delicate things. Also used on dolls clothing. Matching design but a bit larger is #146.

Chrysanthemum, tiny mum Pewter Button, 3/8″, 146. Hand made in the USA
This resembles Japanese Chrysanthemum design. Very tiny and very pretty. Size is 5/16″ which is fine for collars and very delicate things. Also used on dolls clothing. Matching design 146 but a bit larger

“I” Eagle pewter button, domed 3/4″, 132. Hand made in the USA
Military buttons are important. We have 132 M, which is an “I” Infantry Eagle pewter button. The size on this is 3/4″
Matching button is 131 S

Daisy, tiny Pewter Button, 3/8″, 145. Hand made in the USA
145 pewter button, is a Daisy design. This tiny button can be used on collar closings and dolls clothing.

Dirks shield, Pewter Button, 7/8″, 122. Hand made in the USA
In this series of three graduated button, 122 L is the largest size at 7/8″. It is flat with a raised design and works for Frock Coats. The matching buttons in this design are 120 S & 121 F/m.

Dirk, Pewter Button, 3/4″, 121. Hand made in the USA
In this series of three graduated button, #121 M is the next size at 3/4″. It is flat with a raised design and works for neck closures, cuffs and waistcoats. The matching buttons in this design are 120 S & 122 L.

Dirk, Pewter Button, 5/8″, 120. Hand made in the USA
In this series of three graduated button, #120 S is the smallest at 5/8″. It is flat with a raised design and works for neck closures, cuffs and waistcoats.. The matching larger buttons in this design are 121 M & 122 L.

flat with a rim Pewter Button, 111. Hand made in the USA
This medium sized button, 111 M has so many uses. It is good for breeches, cuffs, waistcoat, and all kinds of parcels that need a button. Size is 3/4″

plain flat pewter button, 11/16″ F128. Hand made in the USA
128 is a medium-size button. The front is a flat circle, with a loop on the back. The material is Britannia pewter. This button is 11/16″ . There are 5 buttons like this in different sizes, also a tiny button for shirt collars.
Good for your everyday large button needs like your possibles bag, or a cloak or a great coat.
Matching buttons, 129, 130,127,126 and 147 in descending sizes.
Good for your everyday large button needs like your possibles bag, or a cloaks or a great coat.

plain flat pewter button, 7/8″ 130, can be personalized. Hand made in the USA
L is for large size, 130 is the button number. The front is a flat circle, with a loop on the back. The material is Britannia pewter. This button is 7/8″. There are 5 buttons like this in different sizes, also a tiny button for shirt \collars.
Good for your everyday large button needs like your possibles bag, or cloaks or a great coat.

129 L pewter button 1 1/8″. Hand made in the USA
129 L is a large flat button. The front is a flat circle, one of the largest buttons we have with a loop on the back, The material is Britannia pewter. This button is 1-1/8″. There are 5 buttons like this in different sizes, also a tiny button for shirt collars.
Good for your everyday large button needs like your possibles bag, or cloaks or a great coat.