47th Officer’s Pewter Buttons

47th Officers Pewter Button 5/8″, 155. Hand made in the USA
The Crown’s 47th button Officer’s button, with regular shank is different from the Enlisted. The size for
155 S, 5/8″ Matching button is 153 L.

long-shank, 47th enlisted Pewter Button 7/8 inch, 154. Hand made in the USA
The Crown’s 47th button Enlisted’s long shank button has a long shank so that the button will be able to go through many layers of wool. All else is the same as the regular #154. The size is 7/8″.
Matching button is 156 S.

47th Officers Pewter Button 7/8″, 153. Hand made in the USA
The unit Crown’s 47th button officer’s button is different from the enlisted men. #153 is 7/8″. The Crown above the 47 number.
Matching button is 155 S. We also carry this button in a long shaft, so that it can go through the layers of wool on the top coats, 153 L-LS.