We have over 210 Button styles and can deliver any quantity with a quick turnaround. We make regimental buttons and even exclusive designer buttons (lead-free). We have brass and bone buttons. Call if you don’t see what you’re looking for.
We now can monogram some buttons. There is a limit to how much we can put on one of the following Fugawee manufactured buttons. We are offering this service for button 126,127,128,129 and 130. from 1 1/4 inch to 3/8ths

Colonial Sheild Button 18th century reproduction. 7/8th or 21MM
Size: 21mm (7/8th inch)
This medium-weight, American Colonial-style button was excavated in Charleston, South Carolina. With its modest and timeless design, it offers a unique glimpse into the past. Ideal for collectors of historical artifacts or those restoring period-specific attire, this button is a standout example of Colonial craftsmanship.

2 Hole Pewter Floral button, #200 Hand made in the USA
Fancy and flowery a refreshing taste of a time when people had time for the little things in life. Just change your buttons and see.

Spanish dot and circle Pewter Button, 1/2″. Hand made in the USA
Dots and Circle is Very tiny and very lightweight button It’s. Size is 1/2″ which is fine for collars and very delicate things. Number BU-252. this button lends itself to painting. we have

Sunflower Button or Sun button 3/4 inch. Copy of a colonel button, Hand made in the USA #215
Sunflower Button or Sun button, I purchased this one from a digger in Savannah GA. This button is surprisingly lightweight and will complement any blouse. Without the heavy fabric weight of heavy clothing, the lighter weight buttons don’t pull down … Read More

221 Queens loyal Rangers Large Enlisted Button. Hand made in the USA
Queen’s loyal Rangers 7/8ths button Enlisted Button Matching small button 220

Queens loyal Rangers Small enlisted button, 220. Hand made in the USA
5/8″. 1 to 12 @ .55 each, 13 to 144 @.48 each and over a gross .45 each.

Roger’s Rangers Pewter Button, 7/8″, 142. Hand made in the USA
Robert Rogers 144 is the middle size in this series of three RR buttons. No original buttons have been found and this was done for a unit of re-enactors. The sizes is 3/4″; matching styles 137 and 142.
“Rogers’ Standing Orders” are still quoted on the first page of the U.S. Army’s Ranger handbook.

3/4 inch flat Brass Button with hand soldered loop
196 Brass button is 3/4″. This is a flat face button

Roger’s Rangers Pewter Button, 5/8″, 137. Hand made in the USA
There has not been any found of original buttons from the Roger’s Rangers buttons. This design was suggested by a unit of the re-enactors, which we made for them. It comes in three sizes, 137 being the smallest size at 5/8″.

193 Bone 2 hole Buttons
193 Bone is large bone button, like the others, they are smooth low dome with 2 holes for sewing. The size; 193 is 1 1/8″. Price is 1 to 144 @ .60 each and after a gross $ .43 each.

192 Bone 2 hole Buttons
192 Bone is a one inch button, smooth low dome and 2 holes for sewing. Price 1 to 144 @ .46 each and gross or more $.33 each.

190 Bone 2 hole Button
190 is a plain 2 hole button in Bone. A very useable button, 1/2″ price is .40 each up to 144. A gross is $.29 each
this is a button that you should have extra in your kit, so when an emergency happens, you are ready.

French Marine, high domed Button, 3/4″, 207
The French Marine button is a domed button with a rim. The 207 B is the Mid-size at 3/4″.
There are two more matching buttons, # 206B and 208 B.

French Marine, high domed Button, 15/16″, 206
The French Marine button is a domed button with a rim. The 206 is the largest at 15/16″. There are two more matching buttons, # 207 B and 208 B.

7/8 in Brass flat face Button, 130B
128 B is the smaller of two flat face brass buttons. The size is 3/4″. a handy size.

107 Brass Low Dome Button 7/8ths
The 107 brass is the larger of two low dome buttons, the size is about 7/8″, good handy size. Price $1.50 each. The smaller low dome is #106, about 3/4″.

Brass Cannon & Flag Button
Brass Cannon & Flag, BR 210 is an British Unit. Ft. King George in Georgia is one that uses this button. Size is 3/4″ only in this size.

106 Brass Low Domed Button 3/4″
106 brass is a low domed brass button, about 3/4″. Military isn’t the only one that will what this button, as Civilian clothing can use this also.

Brass High Domed Button, 212
212 B is a high domed Brass Button, Size is 7/8″, price $1.25 each

“I” Infantry Brass High Domed Button, 186
The Brass 186, “I” stands for Infantry. It is an Military Button, size 1″ and is a 2 piece button. The brass buttons are sold at one price $1.50 each. If you have a large quantity for a regiment, please call the Office 800 605 8280

Hammered Domed Pewter Button, 175. Hand made in the USA
175 L is a higher dome than most our buttons. It has been Hand Hammered, each stroke is visible.

Swirled Pewter Buttons 7/8in, 165. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The next to the largest in this series at 13/16″ # 165.

166 L Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1 1/8in. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. This is the largest in this series at 1 1/8″ # 166. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving.

Swirls Pewter Button 11/16 inch, 164. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The next up is 11/16″ # 164. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving. Matching 163,165, and 166.

Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1/2in, 163. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The smallest is 1/2″ # 163. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving. Matching buttons are 164 165 and 166.

Forget me not Pewter Button 3/4in, 162. Hand made in the USA
Sweet 162 the “Forget me not”, 12 stars around the dotted edge, this is so Victorian. Size 5/8″ is perfect for so many projects.

Anchor Pewter Button, 168. Hand made in the USA
The Anchor with entwined rope is a classic design. Size is 7/8″ that would do well on a coat.