Crescent moon and a star Gem. All USA made.
One ¼ inch across very light at 8 grams, the gemstones in the star can be the same or any combination of the following. We can do special orders on stones.
All stones are Cubit Zerconium but In different colors: Green, White, Yellow, Pink, dark blue, London Blue, Moonstone, and a Mystic stone of many colors.

Knife pin, For your Hat, coat shirt back pack.
A long hunters knife, This is an amalgamation of long hunters knives of the 1700s used by the long hunters in the Appalachian mountains.

Tomahawk Pin
This pewter tomahawk catches every crevice and line from the original model. This hat pin looks great and is a must-have for any tomahawk or ax enthusiast. Good for clubs and football teams as well. This is a wonderful little … Read More

Big T MAGA pins made in the USA
You either love President Trump or you don’t. But whatever this will be a collector’s item. We are making them as fast as we can.

GemDrops Earrings and necklace. Hand made in the USA
USA made Amethyst and Pewter earring and pendant set.
Made from grade AAA grade five millimeter Amethyst facing out of each drop.

Shark Tooth Necklace. Hand made in the USA
Awesome metal shark tooth on a black cord necklace. hand made in the USA.

Personalized Pewter Business card that people will never throw away. Hand made in the USA
Hand out one of Fugawees custom Cast pewter Business cards and it will be lost not thrown away.

2 sea Turtles Pewter neckless made in the USA
Sea turtles the ocean mother, graceful, timeless and a mystery from the deep. Made of Britannia lead-free pewter this necklace is made in the USA.

Brass Token.
Engraved with what you want on it and fast service. One or one hundred these event Medallion/pass or as an Award this is a great piece to hold and will not be thrown out. Lower cost making it affordable for small events to have quality keep pieces too.

Soft Ball Award Cuff Bracelet. Hand made in the USA
This isn’t your typical softball award. Gone are the days of trashy plastic trophies that no one likes when you purchase these for your softball team. These pewter cuffs started when my daughter’s softball team said they were looking for … Read More

Cooking Award! good or bad. Hand made in the USA
Cooking, we all have need of it “some may do it, some don’t and some it’s just as well”. If it’s a congratulation on a key chain, a winning toss of a pan, or a memento of a meal good … Read More

Engravable Tomahawk Head. Hand made in the USA
Engraved with what you want on it and fast service. One or one hundred these event Medallion/pass or as an Award this is a great piece to hold and will not be thrown out. Lower cost making it affordable for small events to have quality keep pieces too.

Sunflower Button or Sun button 3/4 inch. Copy of a colonel button, Hand made in the USA #215
Sunflower Button or Sun button, I purchased this one from a digger in Savannah GA. This button is surprisingly lightweight and will complement any blouse. Without the heavy fabric weight of heavy clothing, the lighter weight buttons don’t pull down … Read More

Tulip shell Vent pick. Hand made in the USA
Vent pick made from a Tulip shell we found on the beach near us.

Fancy Pewter Picture frame 2 3/8 X 3 ½. Hand made in the USA
Handmade reproduction early 19th-century pewter photo frame. The abstract floral design is timeless. It will represent on a wall or on a desk. The warmth of hand rubbed pewter surround the cherished moment you have immortalizes in this frame. It’s … Read More

Pewter Table spoon. Hand made in the USA
Colonial pewter spoon

221 Queens loyal Rangers Large Enlisted Button. Hand made in the USA
Queen’s loyal Rangers 7/8ths button Enlisted Button Matching small button 220

Queens loyal Rangers Small enlisted button, 220. Hand made in the USA
5/8″. 1 to 12 @ .55 each, 13 to 144 @.48 each and over a gross .45 each.

Roger’s Rangers Pewter Button, 7/8″, 142. Hand made in the USA
Robert Rogers 144 is the middle size in this series of three RR buttons. No original buttons have been found and this was done for a unit of re-enactors. The sizes is 3/4″; matching styles 137 and 142.
“Rogers’ Standing Orders” are still quoted on the first page of the U.S. Army’s Ranger handbook.

Hammered Domed Pewter Button, 175. Hand made in the USA
175 L is a higher dome than most our buttons. It has been Hand Hammered, each stroke is visible.

Swirled Pewter Buttons 7/8in, 165. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The next to the largest in this series at 13/16″ # 165.

166 L Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1 1/8in. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. This is the largest in this series at 1 1/8″ # 166. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving.

Swirls Pewter Button 11/16 inch, 164. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The next up is 11/16″ # 164. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving. Matching 163,165, and 166.

Anchor Pewter Button, 168. Hand made in the USA
The Anchor with entwined rope is a classic design. Size is 7/8″ that would do well on a coat.

Enlisted 47th Pewter Button 9/16TH, 156. Hand made in the USA
The smaller Enlisted button is 156 S. It is 9/16″in size and has a regular shank. the 47 is in the Center of the button with a decorative edge. Matching button is 154 L and long shank 156 L Long.

47th Officers Pewter Button 5/8″, 155. Hand made in the USA
The Crown’s 47th button Officer’s button, with regular shank is different from the Enlisted. The size for
155 S, 5/8″ Matching button is 153 L.

long-shank, 47th enlisted Pewter Button 7/8 inch, 154. Hand made in the USA
The Crown’s 47th button Enlisted’s long shank button has a long shank so that the button will be able to go through many layers of wool. All else is the same as the regular #154. The size is 7/8″.
Matching button is 156 S.

domed with rim, pewter button, 110. Hand made in the USA
This series of 3 buttons are domed with rim. The rim increases with the size. The largest size is 100 L, it is 7/8″and a favorite with seamstresses for this period.
Matching buttons are 108 S F and 109 F/m. This is also good for possible bags and shoulder straps.

Concave Pewter Button, 103. Hand made in the USA
Button #103 is the smallest in the series of matching concave pewter buttons. It is 7/16″ in size
Matches 104 S and F 105.

phoenix, antique Pewter Button, 102. Hand made in the USA
102 S is the style number of the button, the S (small) is for the price group. This is a small 9/16″ button identical to the 101-L. It will go for cuffs, waistcoat buttons and such. This antique button has a winged phoenix with a wreath around the edge.

Don’t let a single memory fade away. Key chain, Widespread Panic.
Pewter key chain of one of the world’s great bands.