Home » Medallions, custom made » Medallions awards Hocus Pocus. What should it cost? Made in the USA.

Medallions awards Hocus Pocus. What should it cost? Made in the USA.

Medallion and

Singing River Rendezvous 2012 by Fugawee Corporation
a group of Medallions by Fugawee Corporation

Great Trail event in Malvern Ohio of 2016 Alafia river Rendezvous 2014 Medallion by Fugawee

Three Rivers state park pewter Hawk Head By Alex Ayotte.
Three Rivers

Award Hocus pocus

There is a lot of estimating happening at the making of an Award, and it is confusing. Ayotte Pewter is going to lay it on the table simple.

Below is a basic custom Britannia Medallion (lead-free Pewter) not brass. It’s a silvery metal. This offer comes in a basic antiqued finish and is priced to give every event, association, club, venue, and more a chance to have a memento of their own.  We can make them as fancy as you want. Just give us a call.

100 1 ¼  inch single-sided Britannia coins made in the USA, text only, inset letters included, making of the master and produced with an antique finish –  $300.00 plus shipping.

Outside loop $10 extra.

Raised letters and/or artwork $45 per side. (You supply the art)

If you need Fugawee to do the artwork, please call for estimates. (Usually about $85)

2nd side $45

The more you buy, the price goes down.


100 1 ½ inch coins $345

100 1 ¾ inch  coins $390

100 2” inch coins $435

100  2 ½ inch coins $480

100 3 inch  coins $530

Neck ribbon extra.

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