Our apologies to Fugawee Customers, and almost Customers for our old school ways. The new web site brought a bunch of things we have never used before and I really didn’t know much about. Over the last year, we have moved over to a new web site from our old circa 1998 original site with the front page my father made. We kept the essence of the old front page. The new web stuff is way past me, so we had it done by some very good web people Arnamy. They understand technology much better than I do. Being good at their job they set up all the new stuff and had it turned on. We were told about Gmail, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest.
We had just used Facebook and our old emails address that are years old. Same phone numbers for 20+ years. We used to put gone Rendezvousing be back at the end of summer on the answering machine. (There was no email then.)
Web guys told us to check these accounts but we never used any of them, so I didn’t. And I never did until recently when it was brought to my attention by a customer named Lauren, she was upset trying to get ahold of us to return some shoes. And that’s what took me down this path of digital discovery.
Overwhelmed is not something that happens to me very often. But this wall of Social media is overwhelming and intimidating for a small company. But my wife is coming to the rescue and we will now be checking all of these accounts and try to do a better job. My personal email is AlexAyotte@comcast.net or call the Wearhouse 850-745-6340.
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