The Natural Concord is a good civilian shoe, It can be fastened with a tie or buckle. If dyed it can really elevate the impression. The Natural Concord only comes in rough-out leather.
The Natural rough would darken as it aged and get a nice dusty brown. A filling or dressing would darken over time, and help keep the moisture out.
We named it the Concord in honor of the heroes who left their homes and their wife-warm beds to gather at the Concord bridge and dare the British Empire to do its worst.
The toe of the Concord is slightly round, the dominate style shoes found at Ft. Ligonier. We took the pattern for the Franklin uppers and formed them over a last taken from an 1860’s military shoe. The Concord is available in rough or smooth finish.
For personal use, the rough outside leaves the inside smooth, like a lining. Then the rough leather would be filled with a mixture to fill the leather and after a lot of elbow grease you would get the not too shiny finish. This also gave you added protection from moisture of the wet ground cover. There has been many different concoctions for fillers over the years.
Size: 5E through 15EEE for the Concords. Buckles sold separately, but if shipped with shoes, included in shipping price. All shoes sold without buckles, please see our buckle selection. Cost $126.12