Here you will find all of Fugawees hand made Pewter buttons. there are always more being added. Please contact us if there is something you would like to see.

2 Hole Pewter Floral button, #200 Hand made in the USA
Fancy and flowery a refreshing taste of a time when people had time for the little things in life. Just change your buttons and see.

Spanish dot and circle Pewter Button, 1/2″. Hand made in the USA
Dots and Circle is Very tiny and very lightweight button It’s. Size is 1/2″ which is fine for collars and very delicate things. Number BU-252. this button lends itself to painting. we have

Sunflower Button or Sun button 3/4 inch. Copy of a colonel button, Hand made in the USA #215
Sunflower Button or Sun button, I purchased this one from a digger in Savannah GA. This button is surprisingly lightweight and will complement any blouse. Without the heavy fabric weight of heavy clothing, the lighter weight buttons don’t pull down … Read More

221 Queens loyal Rangers Large Enlisted Button. Hand made in the USA
Queen’s loyal Rangers 7/8ths button Enlisted Button Matching small button 220

Queens loyal Rangers Small enlisted button, 220. Hand made in the USA
5/8″. 1 to 12 @ .55 each, 13 to 144 @.48 each and over a gross .45 each.

Roger’s Rangers Pewter Button, 7/8″, 142. Hand made in the USA
Robert Rogers 144 is the middle size in this series of three RR buttons. No original buttons have been found and this was done for a unit of re-enactors. The sizes is 3/4″; matching styles 137 and 142.
“Rogers’ Standing Orders” are still quoted on the first page of the U.S. Army’s Ranger handbook.

Roger’s Rangers Pewter Button, 5/8″, 137. Hand made in the USA
There has not been any found of original buttons from the Roger’s Rangers buttons. This design was suggested by a unit of the re-enactors, which we made for them. It comes in three sizes, 137 being the smallest size at 5/8″.

Hammered Domed Pewter Button, 175. Hand made in the USA
175 L is a higher dome than most our buttons. It has been Hand Hammered, each stroke is visible.

Swirled Pewter Buttons 7/8in, 165. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The next to the largest in this series at 13/16″ # 165.

166 L Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1 1/8in. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. This is the largest in this series at 1 1/8″ # 166. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving.

Swirls Pewter Button 11/16 inch, 164. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The next up is 11/16″ # 164. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving. Matching 163,165, and 166.

Swirled Fancy Pewter Buttons 1/2in, 163. Hand made in the USA
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. The smallest is 1/2″ # 163. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving. Matching buttons are 164 165 and 166.

Forget me not Pewter Button 3/4in, 162. Hand made in the USA
Sweet 162 the “Forget me not”, 12 stars around the dotted edge, this is so Victorian. Size 5/8″ is perfect for so many projects.

Anchor Pewter Button, 168. Hand made in the USA
The Anchor with entwined rope is a classic design. Size is 7/8″ that would do well on a coat.

Enlisted 47th Pewter Button 9/16TH, 156. Hand made in the USA
The smaller Enlisted button is 156 S. It is 9/16″in size and has a regular shank. the 47 is in the Center of the button with a decorative edge. Matching button is 154 L and long shank 156 L Long.

47th Officers Pewter Button 5/8″, 155. Hand made in the USA
The Crown’s 47th button Officer’s button, with regular shank is different from the Enlisted. The size for
155 S, 5/8″ Matching button is 153 L.

47th officers coat Long-Shank Officers Pewter Button. Hand made in the USA
The Crown’s 47th button officer’s button is different from the Enlisted’s. The #155 L-long shank is 5/8″. The Crown shows above the 47 number.
Matching button is 153 L.

long-shank, 47th enlisted Pewter Button 7/8 inch, 154. Hand made in the USA
The Crown’s 47th button Enlisted’s long shank button has a long shank so that the button will be able to go through many layers of wool. All else is the same as the regular #154. The size is 7/8″.
Matching button is 156 S.

47th Officers Pewter Button 7/8″, 153. Hand made in the USA
The unit Crown’s 47th button officer’s button is different from the enlisted men. #153 is 7/8″. The Crown above the 47 number.
Matching button is 155 S. We also carry this button in a long shaft, so that it can go through the layers of wool on the top coats, 153 L-LS.

153 L, long shank 47th Officers Pewter Button. Hand made in the USA
The unit Crown’s 47th button officer’s button is different from the enlisted men. #153 is 7/8″. The Crown above the 47 number.
Matching button is 155 S. We also carry this button in a long shaft, so that it can go through the layers of wool on the top coats, 153 L-LS.

Texas Star Pewter Button, 1/2″, 180. Hand made in the USA
Blue Frog gave me this metal that was excavated and said I should make a button from it. He did not know of any in existence. It is a true duplication of the metal. The size of the 181 L is ONE inch. It is a bit lopsided as part of the metal was gone from being buried. Texas is tough so we left it as it came to us.

Texas Star Pewter Button, 1″, 181. Hand made in the USA
Blue Frog gave me this metal that was excavated and said I should make a button from it. He did not know of any in existence. It is a true duplication of the metal. The size of the 181 L is ONE inch. It is a bit lopsided as part of the metal was gone from being buried. Texas is tough so we left it as it came to us.
Then we made a matching smaller version 180 S.

Early circular pattern Pewter Button, 7/8″, 183. Hand made in the USA
This early button was hand engraved. We make it in Pewter but the original may have been Copper. Size is 7.8″

Williamsburg Pewter Button, 9/16″, 172. Hand made in the USA
Colonial Williamsburg had three buttons made with their logo, this is the smallest, #172. There is a rampant Lion on one side of the Shield and a Unicorn on the other side.
Size is 1/2″. Matching buttons: 171 & 170.

Williamsburg Pewter Button, 171. Hand made in the USA
Colonial Williamsburg had three buttons made with their logo, this is the largest. There is a rampant Lion on one side of the Shield and a rearing Horse on the other side. Size is 7/8″. Matching buttons: 171 & 172.

Williamsburg Pewter Button, 7/8″, 170. Hand made in the USA
Colonial Williamsburg had three buttons made with their logo, this is the largest, #170. There is a rampant Lion on one side of the Shield and a Unicorn on the other side.
Size is 7/8″ Matching buttons: 171 & 172.

USA Continental Army Pewter Button, 13/16″, 167. Hand made in the USA
A very important Military button. The USA stands for our beginning. #167 is the larger companion to #179. The larger version is 13/16″. It has a dotted edge so it stands out. The letters are intertwined in classic look. The Matching design is #179.

USA Pewter Button, 5/8″, 179. Hand made in the USA
A very important Military button. The USA stands for our beginning. #179 is the small companion to #167. The smaller version is 5/8″. It has a dotted edge so it stands out. The letters are intertwined in classic look. The Matching design is #167.

Rampant Lion Pewter Button, 169. Hand made in the USA
The Rampant Lion is dancing across the button front. It is grand, 169 is round and just 9/16″ in size.

Pierced flower, #158, fancy, forget me not, Pewter Button. Hand made in the USA
Two sizes for this pretty button. The floral pattern has openings so that whatever color you are wearing it will show through. 157 is the smaller of the two at only 5/8″. Some have earring made from these.
Matching larger button is 158 L.

Pierced flower, #157 Pewter Button. Hand made in the USA
Two sizes for this pretty button. The floral pattern has openings so that what ever color you are wearing it will show through. 157 is the smaller of the two at only 5/8″. Some have earring made from these.
Matching larger button is 158 L.

Laurel Wreath, Pewter Button, 5/8″, 174. Hand made in the USA
174 is only 5/8″ in size, flat back with Laurel wreath. It was made for a member of the S.C.A. It would fit in anywhere. On a cuff, shirt button up front, waistcoat, for even breeches fly.

Hex design, 6 point center floral Pewter Button, 5/8″, 161. Hand made in the USA
161 has hexagon in the center, it moderate size 5/8″ This is another I obtained from the Lightner Museum in St. Augustine, FL.

159 Floral Tudor design Pewter Button. Hand made in the USA
159 is a floral design. A strong looking design. It is 5/8″ with a loop on the back. It would look right at home in the Victorian age.

Lover’s Knot Pewter Button. Hand made in the USA
This 4 hole decorative button is a secure way to have strong and pretty closure. Size of button 160, the Lover’s Knot, is 5/8″.

2 Hole Pewter Button, 2 hole with rim, 116. Hand made in the USA
116L button is very common use, even up today. Sews on easily, stays secure and is useful in tons of places. Matching buttons 151, 152.

2 Hole Pewter Button, 2 hole with rim, 7/8″ 152. Hand made in the USA
152 button is very common use, even up today. Sews on easily, stays secure and is useful in tons of places. Size is 5/8″. Matching buttons 151, 116.

2 Hole Pewter Button, 2 hole with rim, 5/8″ 151. Hand made in the USA
151 button is very common use, even up today. Sews on easily, stays secure and is useful in tons of places. Size is 5/8″. Matching buttons 152, 116.

4 hole civil war Pewter Button, 4 hole with rim, 150. Hand made in the USA
Ease to sew, secure and can be used on either side up. Size is 7/8″ and that has a lot of places it can be used.

4 holes with rim Pewter Button, flat with a rim, 149. Hand made in the USA
149 S, It is nice to have a button that has the holes for sewing. Quick and secure. This medium one 5/8″ has jobs from breeches to cuffs and lots in between.

Petal Button, 1 1/8″ 148. Hand made in the USA
148 L, the Medallion is a handsome large button, proper for a coat, Cloak or possible bag strap. The size is a 1″ and is among one our largest buttons.

St. Andrew, square Scottish Pewter Button, 3/4″, 144. Hand made in the USA
144: St Andrew is a square on the point. A copy of an old button. Size is 3/4″ This is a heavy button and up to many tasks.

Chrysanthemum, tiny mum Pewter Button, 1/2″, 143. Hand made in the USA
This resembles Japanese Chrysanthemum design. Very tiny and very pretty. Size is 1/2″ which is fine for collars and very delicate things. Also used on dolls clothing. Matching design but a bit larger is #146.

Roger’s Rangers Pewter Button, 3/4″, 141. Hand made in the USA
144 is the middle size in this series of three RR buttons. No original buttons have been found and this was done for a unit of re-enactors. The sizes is 3/4″; matching styles 137 and 142.

Diamond Thistle, musician pewter button, 3/4″x1-1/8″, 140. Hand made in the USA
The Scottish diamond thistle button is from the musician’s attire. This is the largest one. Nice to use on waistcoats, frock coats. Size is 3/4′” x 1-3/4″,

Diamond Thistle, musician pewter button, 5/8″x3/4″, 139. Hand made in the USA
139 is the Scottish diamond thistle button is from the musician’s attire. This is the smaller one. Nice to use on waistcoats. Size is 5/8″, matching style 140 L

Hudson Bay Pewter Button, 3/4″, 138. Hand made in the USA
This button was taken from an original. It has a strong presence on any garment. Size is 3/4″and is a very useful size.
This is a heavy button with a strong loop on the back.

Opening Bud, concave, Pewter Button, 136. Hand made in the USA
136 is the opening bud design. The button falls into the Victorian time period. The size is 3/4″

Chrysanthemum, tiny mum Pewter Button, 3/8″, 146. Hand made in the USA
This resembles Japanese Chrysanthemum design. Very tiny and very pretty. Size is 5/16″ which is fine for collars and very delicate things. Also used on dolls clothing. Matching design 146 but a bit larger

Rose design, old rose, Pewter Button 5/8, 135. Hand made in the USA
135 is a sweet Victoria Rose button. It would fit right at home in 1860’s. It is only 5/8″ and can be repeated for effect.

Stud, Pewter Button, 1/2″, 134. Hand made in the USA
The raised dots give this button a strong look. #134 is the stud button. It is only 1/2″ in size but it can look very dramatic in a line or group. Good for areas that require a small button.

Floral Pewter Button, ragged edge, 9/16″, 133. Hand made in the USA
This is a fine example of a floral design with a tooth edge to set it off. It is a Rose nestled in a swirl of leaves. It would be best in the Civil War era or even with modern clothing.

“I” Eagle pewter button, domed 3/4″, 132. Hand made in the USA
Military buttons are important. We have 132 M, which is an “I” Infantry Eagle pewter button. The size on this is 3/4″
Matching button is 131 S

“I” Eagle, domed pewter button 1/2″, 131. Hand made in the USA
Military buttons are important. We have 131 S, which is an “I” Eagle pewter button. The size on this is 1/2″, and we also carry the matching 3/4″ button.
Matching button is 132 M.

Targ design, Pewter Button, 3/4″, 125. Hand made in the USA
#125 ( medium) is a bright decorative button of 3/4″size. This looks fine on any waistcoat or shirt.

Daisy, tiny Pewter Button, 3/8″, 145. Hand made in the USA
145 pewter button, is a Daisy design. This tiny button can be used on collar closings and dolls clothing.

Thistle, Large Pewter Button, 1-1/8″, 182. Hand made in the USA
The Thistle is a favorite for everyone. We have three sizes. 182 is the largest, useful for most any task. It is 1-1/8″ and fits Cloaks, great coats straps for bags.

Thistle, Small Pewter Button, 5/8″, 176. Hand made in the USA
The Thistle is a favorite for everyone. We have three sizes. 176 F/m is the smallest, useful for most any task. It is 5/8″ and fits cuffs.Matching buttons are 182 L and 123 F/m.

Thistle Pewter Button, 3/4″, 123. Hand made in the USA
I think the Thistle is a favorite for everyone. We have three sizes. 123 M is the one in the middle, useful for most any task. It is 3/4″ and fits waistcoats or cuffs. Matching buttons are 182 L and 176 S.

Dirks shield, Pewter Button, 7/8″, 122. Hand made in the USA
In this series of three graduated button, 122 L is the largest size at 7/8″. It is flat with a raised design and works for Frock Coats. The matching buttons in this design are 120 S & 121 F/m.

Dirk, Pewter Button, 3/4″, 121. Hand made in the USA
In this series of three graduated button, #121 M is the next size at 3/4″. It is flat with a raised design and works for neck closures, cuffs and waistcoats. The matching buttons in this design are 120 S & 122 L.

Dirk, Pewter Button, 5/8″, 120. Hand made in the USA
In this series of three graduated button, #120 S is the smallest at 5/8″. It is flat with a raised design and works for neck closures, cuffs and waistcoats.. The matching larger buttons in this design are 121 M & 122 L.

Acorn design, very high domed, Pewter Button, 1/2, 119. Hand made in the USA
This small button is only 1/2″ but has a high dome. 119 S is fine for the neckline, waistcoat or cuff.

star-swirl, center star Pewter Button, 5/16″, 117. Hand made in the USA
This decorative button has a swirl around the edge and a star in the center. 117 M (medium) is 5/8″,
Small enough for cuffs or waistcoats. Matching larger size is 118 L.

Swirl, center star Pewter Button, 11/16″, 118. Hand made in the USA
118 L, sized 11/16″ a decorative Swirl around the edge and a Star at the center. The size is fine for a Frock coat with the waistcoat that has matching decorative buttons 117 S.

42nd highlander, Military Pewter Button, 7/8 inch, 115. Hand made in the USA
This is the larger of the two Military button for the 42nd unit. It is 7/8″ in size #115 L.
Good cuffs, waistcoats.
Matching button is 114 S.

42nd highlander, Military Pewter button, 1/2 inch, 114. Hand made in the USA
114 S is the smaller of the two Military button for the 42nd unit. It is 1/2″ in size
Good for neck buttons, cuffs.
Matching button is 115 L.

Conical Pewter Button, 113. Hand made in the USA
113 L, is the larger of the two Peaked buttons. Good for Military or Civilian use. Matching button #112.
Good for all Civilian use on Coats, waistcoats and breeches.

Conical Pewter Button 5/8″, 112. Hand made in the USA
112 S, is the smaller of the two Peaked buttons. Good for Military or Civilian use. Matching button #113.

flat with a rim Pewter Button, 111. Hand made in the USA
This medium sized button, 111 M has so many uses. It is good for breeches, cuffs, waistcoat, and all kinds of parcels that need a button. Size is 3/4″

domed with rim, pewter button, 110. Hand made in the USA
This series of 3 buttons are domed with rim. The rim increases with the size. The largest size is 100 L, it is 7/8″and a favorite with seamstresses for this period.
Matching buttons are 108 S F and 109 F/m. This is also good for possible bags and shoulder straps.

Domed with rim, pewter button 11/16″, 109. Hand made in the USA
109 M is in a series of 3 buttons are domed with a rim. The rim increases with the size. 109 M (medium), it is 11/16″ and a favorite with seamstresses for this period.
Matching buttons are 108 S F and 110 L.

domed with rim, pewter button 5/8″, 108. Hand made in the USA
108 M is in a series of 3 buttons that are domed with a rim. The rim increases with the size. The first is the smallest 108 S, it is 5.8″ and a favorite with seamstresses for this period.
Matching buttons are 109 F and 110 L.

Domed Pewter Button, 7/8″ 107. Hand made in the USA
107 L is the largest size in the series of domed buttons. Sizes; size is 13/16″. Made in Britannia pewter which is lead-free, the same as all our pewter products.
Matching domed buttons are 173 and 106. Good for Military and Civilian use.

Domed Pewter Button 3/4″, 106. Hand made in the USA
106 S is the next size in the series of domed buttons. Size is 3/4″. Made in Britannia pewter which is lead-free, the same as all our pewter products.
Matching domed buttons are 173 and 107. Good for Military and Civilian use.

Domed Pewter Button, 9/16th, 173. Hand made in the USA
173 high domed buttons It’s size is 9/16″. Made in Britannia pewter which is lead-free, the same as all our pewter products.

105 M Concave Pewter Button. Hand made in the USA
The 105 (medium size) button is concave and lead-free pewter. The size is 11/16″.
The matching buttons are 103 S. 104 S.

71 L, Military Pewter Button. Hand made in the USA
Button #71 L is the larger pewter buttons. It is 13/16 ” in size This button was made for the unit with instructions as to their design.

Military Pewter Button, 7/8″, 77. Hand made in the USA
Button #77 L is the larger in the series of matching pewter buttons with the number 76 on the front. It is 7/8 ” in size.
These buttons were made for the unit with instructions as to their design.
Matches 76 S. Special order for gold plating, please call for information as to quantity and price.

Military Pewter Button, 5/8″, 76. Hand made in the USA
Button #76 S is the smaller in the series of matching pewter buttons with the number 76 on the front. It is 5/8″ in size. These buttons were made for the unit with instructions as to their design.
Matches 77 L Special order for gold plating, please call for information as to quantity and price.

Concave Pewter Button, 104. Hand made in the USA
Button #104 S is in the series of matching concave pewter buttons. It is 9/16″ in size
Matches 103 S and F 105.

Concave Pewter Button, 103. Hand made in the USA
Button #103 is the smallest in the series of matching concave pewter buttons. It is 7/16″ in size
Matches 104 S and F 105.

phoenix, antique Pewter Button, 102. Hand made in the USA
102 S is the style number of the button, the S (small) is for the price group. This is a small 9/16″ button identical to the 101-L. It will go for cuffs, waistcoat buttons and such. This antique button has a winged phoenix with a wreath around the edge.

flat with a rim Pewter Button, 147. Hand made in the USA
147 is tiny button, and they are small 5/16″. Some folks use them for doll’s clothing. Yet they are still good for a high collar and shirt collar buttons. The Britannia pewter will stand the time.

plain flat Pewter Button, 1/2″, 126. Hand made in the USA
S is for small, 126 is the button number. The front is a flat circle, with a loop on the back, The material is Britannia pewter. This button is 1/2″. There are 5 buttons like this in different sizes, also a tiny button for shirt collars. Can be engraved with your monogram.

plain flat Pewter Button, 5/8″, 127. Hand made in the USA
S is for small, 127 is the number of the button. This button is 5/8″ and is good for vests, light jackets and sleeve buttons.
The material is Britannia pewter. This button is 5/8″ . There are 5 buttons like this in different sizes, also a tiny button for shirt collars.

plain flat pewter button, 11/16″ F128. Hand made in the USA
128 is a medium-size button. The front is a flat circle, with a loop on the back. The material is Britannia pewter. This button is 11/16″ . There are 5 buttons like this in different sizes, also a tiny button for shirt collars.
Good for your everyday large button needs like your possibles bag, or a cloak or a great coat.
Matching buttons, 129, 130,127,126 and 147 in descending sizes.
Good for your everyday large button needs like your possibles bag, or a cloaks or a great coat.

plain flat pewter button, 7/8″ 130, can be personalized. Hand made in the USA
L is for large size, 130 is the button number. The front is a flat circle, with a loop on the back. The material is Britannia pewter. This button is 7/8″. There are 5 buttons like this in different sizes, also a tiny button for shirt \collars.
Good for your everyday large button needs like your possibles bag, or cloaks or a great coat.

129 L pewter button 1 1/8″. Hand made in the USA
129 L is a large flat button. The front is a flat circle, one of the largest buttons we have with a loop on the back, The material is Britannia pewter. This button is 1-1/8″. There are 5 buttons like this in different sizes, also a tiny button for shirt collars.
Good for your everyday large button needs like your possibles bag, or cloaks or a great coat.